Due Diligence Reports
DSG can prepare Prelimanry Due Diligence reports customized to the individual clients expectations.
Review and Summarize Local Zoning Ordinance.
Predevelopment Meetings with Local Jurisdiction
Provide Gantt Chart showing Design and Permitting Timeline
Research Zoning & Permit Applications and Fees
Provide Site Layout and Truck Routing Plan
Identify Utility Availability and provide Utility Will Serve Letters
Conceptual Site Planning
DSG can quickly prepare conceptual site plans needed for the client to use for Entitlements, Lease Exhibits, Preliminary Cost Estimating, etc.
Early Site Planning Specific to Client Specifications and Standards.
Truck Route Planning
Preliminary Utility and Stormwater Design
DSG can prepare and submit Applications as well as represent the client during site meetings and public hearings.
Conditional Use Permitting
Variance Requests
Site Annexation
and many more
Site Plan Design
DSG can prepare and submit civil construction drawings as needed for construction permitting. DSG will work directly with the local jurisdictions and other reviewing agencies through the site plan approval process.
Preparing Applications
Preparing and Submitting Construction Documents
Work directly with reviewing agencies to address comments and revise plans as necessary for site plan
DSG can assist the client and the client’s contractor with the permitting process.
Preparing Permit Applications
Preparing Engineering Estimates for Bonds
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans
State Stormwater and DOT Permitting
Construction Administration
DSG can assist the client and the clients contractor during the construction process.
Shop Drawing Review and Approval
As-built Survey Review and Approval
Responding to Requests for Information
Post Plan Approval Field Changes